24/7 live call funeral home answering service for directors.
Our funeral answering service offers many powerful services for directors. Learn more about the services we can offer your company
Learn more about our funeral home answering service for directors. Would you like more information on what we can do for you? Call 1-800-867-5263 or contact us today!

Funeral Home Answering Service

“These days, there’s a new frontier in funeral service, one where service is valued over product, where originality trumps one-size-fits-all solutions, where funerals are as likely to be a celebration of life as they are an observance of death.”
- NFDA Website (www.nfda.org)

Your enterprise is unique. Your business is evolving. What was the norm five years ago or ten years ago may not do today.

Your community trusts you to be available 24 x 7, to work with the bereaved during a time of emotional need. To thrive in this world you need a trusted partner who can help. You can depend on Directors Hotline.

Like the funeral business – your answering service needs to adapt to your changing needs and how you do business. The professionalism of Directors Hotline and our skilled Telephone Service Representatives can offer you a full complement of services; live, automated or our "Record a Call" service.